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How to find Firefox Profile folder on Windows PC

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Like most browsers, Mozilla's Firefox saves personal information of its users such as bookmarks, passwords, and preferences in a set of files called Your Profile. This profile is maintained at a location different from the Firefox programme files. Then, if you are fascinated in knowing the way to find your profile without opening the Firefox browser, read this tutorial.

Discovery Firefox Visibility

The standard way of finding or locating your profile is to click the 'Unconstricted menu' button visible as 3 horizontal bars and choose the Help alternative.

Then, click the side-pointer to locate 'Troubleshooting Information' selection subordinate 'Help' surgical incision.

Click the 'Troubleshooting Information' lozenge to open it. The page contains technical information that might represent useful when you're trying to solve a trouble.

And then, under the Application Fundamentals section, snap on Open Booklet. Your profile folder leave open.

Find Firefox Profile

If you are unable to open operating theater use Firefox, then, you will call for to open your visibility without opening Firefox. There's a way of doing IT. Here's how!

Locate Your visibility without opening Firefox browser

Firefox browser, by default on, stores your profile folder at this placement on your calculator –


However, Windows hides the AppData folder from direct view. You tin turn up your profile pamphlet as follows:

Press Windows Key +R on the keyboard. A Run dialog will appear on your computer screen door.

Type the following text in the empty line of business of the 'Run' dialog box –


Click OK. If prompted for permit, fall into place 'Yes'. Soon after that, a window will open containing profile folders.

Double-click the profile pamphlet you wish to open. If you only possess one visibility, its folder would take in "default option" in the name. You can have seven-fold Firefox profiles, each containing a separated lay out of user information.

Alternatively, you lavatory ascertain your profile by pressing the Windows Identify key and then start typing: %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\

To set Windows to show the AppData folder and other hidden files and folders, you necessitate to configure Windows to showing hidden files and folders.

Find Firefox Profile

A post-graduate in Ergonomics, Hemant switched gears to writing about Microsoft technologies and has been a contributor to TheWindowsClub since then. When he is non working, you can normally find him out moving to different places or indulging himself in binge-watching.

How to find Firefox Profile folder on Windows PC

Source: https://www.thewindowsclub.com/find-firefox-profile

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